Strategic Comments

Strategic Annual Report 2021
"Intensifying Strategic Competition between the United States and China"

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U.S.-China Strategic competition has taken the form of a new Cold War between major powers that have different values and political systems. The new administration of US President Joe Biden, which was inaugurated in January, has taken over the Trump administration's harsh view of China, and positioned China as "the only competitor potentially capable of combining its economic, diplomatic, military, and technological power to mount a sustained challenge to a stable and open international system". It has taken a tough stance toward China on issues such as human rights and Taiwan, and has been pursuing vigorous diplomacy to strengthen ties with its allies and friends by, for example, bolstering the QUAD framework with Japan, Australia and India, and launching AUKUS, a new security framework with the United Kingdom and Australia. China, on the other hand, has strongly opposed the United States' defining of US-China relations and US moves to counter China, and has escalated its criticism of the United States. While it has developed vaccine diplomacy and pursued economic and aid diplomacy internationally, China has also continued its "wolf warrior diplomacy". The ways in which the United States and China regard each other and their policies toward each other strongly reflect their respective domestic circumstances. In the second half of 2021, some moves were made to manage US-China relations through high-level talks and bilateral cooperation on global issues such as climate change. However, there is no prospect of improving US-China relations overall.