Event Report

The 3rd Tokyo Global Dialogue

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March 3

International Response (1): Oceans

The discussion centered on the impact of US-China competition on the Indo-Pacific region and responses thereto.

A variety of perspectives emerged during the discussion: emphasizing China's challenge to the existing order; pointing out the necessity and difficulty of maintaining a balance within the structure of US-China confrontation; noting the possibility that the formation of de facto US and China blocs will undermine ASEAN centrality; highlighting the fact that the countries in the region have diverse values; and commenting that the regional situation is not defined solely by US-China relations. In such circumstances, the importance of the rules-based order, maritime security, and ensuring economic security via a supply chain security was underscored. On the other hand, the necessity of building up concrete cases of cooperation based on common interests and promoting cooperation through various regional frameworks, including in the economic area, that encompass a wide range of stakeholders was also pointed out. In considering the future regional order, while views were expressed emphasizing the leadership by individual countries within the region, the significance of maintaining US engagement was underlined for a stable order and a "Free and Open Indo-Pacific".

Various views were expressed on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: the impact of the intensifying geopolitical conflict between Russia and the West on the global order, including relations between China and the West; concerns about the adverse effects on multi-ethnic nations; the importance of hard power; and the likelihood that the decision-making issues in authoritarian regimes have resonance in the Indo-Pacific region. It was also pointed out that this was not the only military action being carried out in violation of international law, and the question was asked whether the Indo-Pacific region can expect the fundamental "values” that have bound the countries of Europe together.

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