The 2nd Tokyo Global Dialogue discussed the overall theme "The Indo-Pacific of Today and Tomorrow: Transformation of the Strategic Landscape and International Response" in 12 thematic and regional sessions. See below for the summary and video of each session.
- Roundtable Featuring JIIA Strategic Annual Report 2020 (February 25)
- Opening Plenary Session: US-China Relations (February 26)
- Part I Session 1: US-China Military Balance and Prospects for Arms Control (February 26)
- Part I Session 2: Beyond the Geo-technology Competition? (February 26)
- Part I Session 3: Fallout of the COVID19 Pandemic and Crisis of Multilateralism (February 26)
- Part II Session 1: Russia’s View of the Strategic Transformation (February 26)
- Part II Session 2: Southeast and South Asia’s View of the Strategic Transformation (February 26)
- Part II Session 3: Europe’s View of the Strategic Transformation (February 26)
- Part II Session 4: The Middle East Amid the Pandemic and the Strategic Transformation (February 26)
- Part III Session 1: Northeast Asian Security amid US-China Competition (February 27)
- Part III Session 2: Impact on Territorial Issues / Rule of Law (February 27)
- Closing Plenary Session: The Indo-Pacific of Tomorrow and International Response (February 27)